Types of pallets
Standards of pallets
The main task of using pallets is to make the process of load handling, strengthening of loads and optimising the area in the transportation vehicle.
The pallet is a wooden or plastic platform, that is easily used with a pallet jack. Here are the standards:
- Europallet (EUR, EUR1) - dimensions 120х80 сm
- Industrial (EUR2) pallet - dimensions 100х120 cm
- Industrial (EUR3) pallet - dimensions 120х120 cm
- EUR 6 pallet 80х60 см or half an ЕUR
- EUR 6 pallet 60x40 cm or quarter of EUR
- EUR 6 pallet 40x30 cm or 1/8 of an EUR

Big Bag – Standard Big Bags comprises a broad range of standard products which are not classified as dangerous according to UN regulations and which are not characterized by low minimum ignition energy (which may cause explosion). This category consists mainly of food and farm products, and partly of chemical and extraction products.

Eurobox – A plastic stackable container with closed grips. Their smooth interior and without ribbings, as well as their size, facilitate the loading and the management of these boxes. Manufactured in polypropylene, they resists impacts, humidity, oils and a great variety of chemical products.

The exact information for packaging, dimensions and weight of the pallets, on which the load is, is extremely important when deciding the transport means and the calculation of the price.